Netisuti is a part of an Indian Bride’s costume.An Ornament attached in the hairline of a women. Traditionally, an Indian woman wore a Netisuti for the first time on her wedding day.Women’s of all ages wore this on special occasions.It suits both traditional and modern hairstyles.Bride with a beautiful netisuti enchanter groom with her classy look.Netisuti rests in our forehead where there is the power of the soul that is sixth chakra.The place where it rests will stimulates the power of concentration and controls ones emotions.Today women not only in India, but across the world wear the Netisuti as a fashion statement, with traditional Indian attire and sometimes even with western wear.Choosing the right jewelry piece according to one’s personality is also very important. While selecting a netisuti, one should choose it according to the size of one’s forehead. A lady with a broader forehead will look good in a heavier netisuti and a light delicate one will suit more on a woman with a smaller forehead.
Dollar Netisuti
1.Kundan Dollar Netisuti

PC: Creative Wedding Photography
2.Small Kundan Dollar Netisuti
Courtesy of
3.Kemp Dollar Netisuti
4.Pink with green stone Dollar netisuti
5.Mango Dollar Netisuti
6.White with Emerald stone Netisuti
7.Cute Heartin Dollar Netisuti
8.Antique gold Stone Dollar Netisuti
9.Simple White with Green stone Netisuti
10.White Kundan Dollar Netisuti
11.Simple dangles dollar Netisuti
12.Temple Dollar Netisuti
13.God Dollar Netisuti.
14.Gold Dollar Netisuti
PC: Focuzstudios
15.Round White Stone Dollar Netisuti
Makeup by Vejetha Anand
16.Green Round Netisuti
17.Thilagam and round Dollar Netisuti
Makeovers by Ramya
18.Round Gold Dollar Netisuti
Makeup by Vejetha Anand
19.Peacock Dollar with Beads Netisuti
20.White Stone with Red Dollar Netisuti.
21.Stones and beads Dollar Netisuti
PC: .dn studios
22.Modern Dollar Netisuti
23.Beads and stone Netisuti
PC: Abhinav sagar Photography
24.Gold dollar and beads Netisuti
25.White Stone with Pink Dollar Netisuti
PC: Mystic Studios
26.Emerald Stone Netisuti
27.White Thilagam Stone Netisuti
28.Kemp Dollar Netisuti
29.Gold Dollar Netisuti with green stone
PC: Zerogravity Studios
30.White stone round design Netisuti
PC: Venki Photography
31.Diamond Netisuti
32.Half Circle Dollar Netisuti
PC: Zero Gravity Photography
33.Kundan Stone Dollar Netisuti
34.Cute Dollar Netisuti
PC: Studio Vaibhava
35.Star Dollar Netisuti
PC: Zero Gravity Studios