Though Yoga is known for its stress relieving aspects, there are also many yoga asanas for weight loss. These asanas can help fight stubborn fat, especially for those above the age of 40. This is because the yoga poses for weight loss first lower the stress hormones of the body and increase the insulin sensitivity. This signals the body to burn the food you eat as fuel, and not store it in the form of fat. This will result in firming up the arms, legs, and abs. There are even specific asanas in yoga to lose weight in 10 days.
Crescent Lunge
This is one of the yoga poses for weight loss, that firms up the hips, thighs and the abs. In this pose, the right leg is stepped back in a lunge, with the left knee in front being bend at 90 degrees over your ankle. Hold the pose for 5 to 8 breaths and then repeat the posture for the other leg. Such yoga poses for weight loss can be made harder and more effective, by stretching the arms backward, pushing torso and head backward as well.
Boat Pose
If you wish to do yoga to lose weight in 10 days, the rocking boat is a great option. Sit on the floor and then lean back around 45 degrees, raising the feet with calves parallel to the floor. The body should form a wide V shape. You can make these types of yoga poses for weight loss a little more difficult by extending the arms overhead, once the body is in the wide V position.
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Chair Pose
This is a great pose in yoga for weight loss for beginners. Stand with the feet together and raise arms overhead. Sit back, as if you were sitting on a chair around 45 degrees, with knees behind the toes and the abdomen tight.
Half Moon Pose
It helps reduce weight from the buttocks and thighs and also helps burn those ugly love handles. Stand with feet together and hands raised, with palms together. Bend sideways from the hip, keeping the hands together. The elbows must be straight and you must not bend forward in such yoga poses for weight loss. Repeat for the other side.
Warrior Pose
It strengthens the buttocks and the tummy and offers a pose in yoga for weight loss for beginners. Extend the right leg in front and the left leg backward. Bend the right leg to a lunge position and then twist the body to face the bent leg. Straighten the arms horizontally. Repeat for the other side.
Tree Pose
This is one of the poses in yoga asanas for weight loss and tones the abdominal, arms and thigh muscles. Put your weight on the right leg, raise the left leg and place it on the right knee facing inwards, as close to your pelvis as you can. Keep your hands folded at the chest and maintain the balance. Repeat for the other leg.
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