First things first. Congratulations, you are enjoying the best company of yourself. After all, if you can’t happy with yourself, it is rather an impossible feat to be happy with somebody else. And if you are feeling little dull and down after seeing all those happy couples, roses and a public display of affection, trust us, it is completely okay. You don’t have to feel bad. We have been all there. We all have struggled with confusions, doubts, low self-esteem and concerns over our future. Only if we were wiser and knew some beautiful ways earlier to celebrate this day, things would have been bearable and so different. But being a good friend, good Samaritan and all, we won’t keep them a secret from you. Have a peek and make your Valentines-Day love quotes and awesome, especially when you are single.

Love yourself
Can we reiterate this enough? Imagine, such a simple fact yet so hard to follow. All of us have been in a situation or two where we had let somebody trample all over our self-esteem and ridicule our emotions. Take this day to revive your dignity and hold your head high. Don’t fret over the past but celebrate the emergence and transformation of a stronger, and more emotionally mature you.
Celebrate yourself.
All the single ladies and gents, rejoice – because you are independent and having fun! Don’t sulk at home and feel bad, just because you don’t have a partner. Don’t let this beautiful day or any day pass you by! This is the day to celebrate love and if you can’t love yourself, you can hardly love anybody else. So, pre-book a spa session, watch a movie and take yourself to dinner! There is no need to feel ashamed but to be proud and proud, only. If you have been feeling the need to move a bit more and lose some, gift yourself a gym membership. Remember, you need to love yourself first before you commit to others.
Love comes in many forms.
Look around and you will find yourself surrounded with love. Your parents, your friends, siblings and anyone who thinks good for you, loves you to the moon and back. Make it up to them and give them a reason to love you even more! Take your mother or sibling for a beautiful lunch, a movie or book them a spa session. Give them a gift voucher for a spa, gym or Yoga club, send flowers and chocolates to them and let them know that they mean the world to you.
Be secure
Being single might be a choice for you but don’t expect from society to understand it. This means you need to have a lot of patience and strength to make them understand or if you couldn’t care less, feel good about it. No matter how badly they suck, coursing against the societal norms can be difficult and can drain your energy, so, this is important that you have thought it through and ready to enjoy it! This Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to say a ‘Cheers’ or two for you- who hasn’t shied away from charting her own path.
Flower up
By all means, make this Valentine’s a big deal it is! Tidy up your apartment and get yourself some flowers! If you barely get some time to spend at home, stay back and watch your favourite shows on a binge. Pour some wine, order out and get some ‘me’ time like there is no tomorrow.
So, all you beautiful people out there, don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Instead, be happy and take this day to mingle with other like-minded people!