Churidars, or more properly churidar pajamas, are tightly fitting trousers worn by both men and women in South Asia. Churidars are a variant of the common salwar pants. Salwars are cut wide at the top and narrow at the ankle. Churidars narrow more quickly so that contours of the leg are revealed. They are usually cut on the bias, making them naturally stretchy. Stretch is important when pants are closefitting. They are also longer than the leg and sometimes finish with a tightly fitting buttoned cuff at the ankle. The excess length falls into folds and appears like a set of bangles resting on the ankle. When the wearer is sitting, the extra material is the “ease” that makes it possible to bend the legs and sit comfortably. The word churidar is from Urdu and made its way into English only in the 20th century.Earlier, tight-fitting churidar-like pants worn in India were referred to by the British as Moghul breeches, long-drawers, or mosquito drawers.
The churidar is usually worn with a kameez by women, or they can form part of a bodice and skirt ensemble.
1. Peacock Blue Long Churidar

2.Royal Blue Anarkali Chudi
3.Peach color silk Anarkali with different bottom cut
4. Royal blue and Pink double top Anarkali
5.Coat model Anarkali
6.Black with Golden back side long chudi
7.Peach long sleeve and backside long chudi top
8.Short Gown type chudi top
9.Coat Model Chudi Top
10.Designer Green Chudi Top
PC: Omer K Foto
11.Pretty Frilled Chudi top
12.Chinese Model inspired Chudi Top
13.Patiyala Pant and Short top
14.Grey top with Black loose pant
15.Long Top with cold shoulder
16.Yellow U bottom design chudi
17.Long Black silver coat chudi top
18.Asymmetric Pattern Chudi
19.Yellow long top chudi
20.Navy Blue Short Anarkali
21.Dhoti style salwar
22.Designer dhoti style salwar
23.Modern Patiala Salwar with Stylish Upper jacket
24.Royal Blue patiyala chudi
25.Sleeveless top with patiyala pant